Global Health Governance

Global health governance has become a basis to realize a more just world through public health. Reflecting the institutions that structure global determinants of public health, global governance for health encompasses the range of intergovernmental organizations, funding agencies and international bureaucracies that underlie public health in a globalizing world.
PublicationsPresentationsPublic Engagement
Law and Global Health: Current Legal Issues
Sep 2014
An Agenda for Normative Policy Analysis in the Study of Global Health Governance
Health Law Professors Conference, San Francisco
Jun 2014
International Legal Accountability through UN Treaty Bodies
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts
Nov 2013
Evolution of Human Rights Law in World Health Organization Policy and the Future of Human Rights Law in Global Health Governance
Global Health & Innovation Conference, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
Apr 2013
Advancing Global Health and Human Rights in the Post-2015 Development Agenda
UNC Burch Field Research Seminar, Washington, DC
Mar 2013
Global Health Policy & U.S. Foreign Assistance for Global Health
Consortium of Universities for Global Health, Washington, DC
Mar 2013
Advancing Global Health through Human Rights Accountability for a Framework Convention on Global Health
World Health Organization
Public Engagement
Oct 2012
Correspondence with Health in All Policies Consultation Group
The Global Biomedical Enterprise, Columbia University, New York, New York
Jun 2012
The World Health Organization, Global Health Governance, and the Contentious History of the Human Rights
Parr Center for Ethics, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina
May 2011
The World Health Organization in Rights-Based Global Health Governance
Berger International Law Speaker Series, Cornell Law School, Ithaca, New York
Mar 2011
Global Health Governance and the Contentious Politics of Human Rights: Mainstreaming the Right to Health for Public Health Advancement
Unite for Sight Global Health/Innovate, New Haven, Connecticut
Apr 2010
Rights-Based Approaches to Global Health Policy: The World Health Organization and an Evolving Human Right to Health
American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Nov 2009
International Obligations through Collective Rights: Moving from Foreign Health Assistance to Global Health Governance
International Conference on Realising the Rights to Health and Development for All, Ha Noi, Viet Nam
Oct 2009
Human Rights for Global Health Governance: The World Health Organization, the Human Right to Health, and the Failure to Achieve Health for All
International Congress on Law and Mental Health, New York University, New York, New York
Jun 2009
Global Health Governance & the Right to Health
Tobacco and Human Rights Roundtable, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Apr 2007
Human Rights in Global Tobacco Control: A Rights-Based Approach to the FCTC and Its Protocols